
Click once on each image to enlarge
7 Digital photographic prints, 84 x 57cm
Cut and accompanying moving image work, Not Gone Not Forgotten, were made in response to research material from the Hybrid Bodies Heart Project. Organ transplant raises many intimate questions about ‘fitting in’, from the question of whether the recipient’s body will accept the new organ to questions donor families have about whether they would like the recipient and how they would feel if they didn’t. Enlarged from small collages made from magazine cuttings, these photos respond to the experience of organ transplantation by literally cutting together or colliding fragments of two domestic scenarios. The grain of the image is deliberately visible in these enlargements, drawing attention to the materiality of the process. In both ‘Cut’ and ‘Not Gone Not Forgotten’ the fragmented whole becomes a kind of Deleuzean “assemblage” where one part of the image simultaneously fits and intrudes upon the other.